Title: Dr. Seuss's ABC
Hooray for Dr. Seuss's first appearance on the book list!
Why Noah Picked It: Well, in April my Mom hurt herself and my great-Aunt Leslie came over to help take care of me. That is the first time I remember this book because she read it so FAST...she had it memorized. I really liked the way all the words sounded and the pictures have bright contrasting pictures. Mom says not all Dr. Seuss books are right for kids as young as me but this one holds my attention if the reader is fast and I can help flip the pages. I like to crinkle them up when no one is watching...Mom recommends the board book version if possible. Now Mom and Dad have it memorized...they recite it to me sometimes to get my attention or change my mood. "Aunt Annie's Alligator...A...A...A!"