Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Top 10 for a 10 monthday!

Noah is 10 months old today.

Here are my top 10 things I don't want to forget:

10. Watching him watch Sesame Street for the 1st time. He loves the puppets and always cuddles with me while he watches.
9. The way he mimics us whenever we use our fingers on our lips to make that funny noise or say "ga-ga-ga-gah!"
8. Watching him fall in love with his Dad. Bouncing, leaning to one side and saying "cute", playing "getchyou", bath time.
7. He is starting to really recognize a few people besides us. His Grandmas and Luke and Megan for sure.
6. The constant movement of this month. Perfecting the ability to crawl and pull himself up and cruise...he hasn't stopped moving. Even crawled up onto the coffee table today. Happy 10 months!
5. The look on his face when he saw all the lawn sale bargains I had brought home. The way he examined the bedroom after we rearranged it.
4. Hearing him reach up to the big piano and play a few notes.
3. The way he smells after a bath.
2. Watching him learn to pick up food and bite and chew it. Feeding him that Barber's potato.
1. How much he needs me...and always wants to be where I am and in my arms.

PS-  I also don't want to forget how much he likes mirrors and how when he gets excited he breaths in and out really loudly and kicks both his legs. (Ok, really done now!)

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